I wonder if we were all born sensitive. To people. To animals. To the trees and the wild flowers. To the...
I sit here watching the brilliant fire red leaves from the Japanese maple, light up my living...
That moment when I realized my partnership is my greatest achievement so far… I have been joyfully ove...
The Build Your Own Practice (B.Y.O.P) is a monthly videos series all about helping you find your own prac...
Please enjoy a snippet of our journey to Burning Man and Back. We are forever changed and grateful for ...
Something amazing happens when we get on the road, we see things from a new perspective and experience li...
Do you like to dance? If you are a man who grew up in the world I did, chances are your answer is...
Ever wonder how personal hygiene and VanLife mix? This is a prime example of a day at the "spa". Kait...
We like Tofino BC. There is surf, sun (sometimes) and beautiful nature which seems to engulf you. We ...
Procrastination.Over the last couple of years I have learned some pretty weird tools. Not like a drill ...
Sometimes the only way out of a "bad" mood is by force. When all the self dialogue and self love in the...